Join the Clean Energy Generation

Our ability to fight the climate crisis depends on how many of us show up.
That’s why we need YOU in the “Clean Energy Generation.”

The Clean Energy Generation is a movement of people who are taking action to create a healthier, more secure and sustainable environment, starting now. Clean Energy Generation has a double meaning. Both parts are equally important:

  • The collective generation of people who are meeting the greatest challenge of our time – eliminating the pollution that’s causing the climate crisis.
  • The literal generation of clean energy that’s protecting our environment and transforming our economy for a healthier and safer future.

Why clean energy? Because we are experiencing now what science has predicted – that excessive carbon pollution from oil, gas, and coal fossil fuels has caused a climate crisis that is becoming more severe. The way utilities produce energy and how we use energy in transportation, buildings, and homes must change if we are to slow the effects of climate catastrophes.

Good news: No matter your age, income, zip code, or abilities, you can make a difference in the Clean Energy Generation. And you’re in good company. 70% of Americans are worried about extreme climate events increasing and support a full transition to clean energy. We already have what we need to make this change. The tools and technologies to produce clean energy are more affordable and accessible than ever. Plus, a historic level of federal funding for climate action and clean energy is now available for communities throughout our region. Change is already happening.

Now, the work: It’s time we come together as the Clean Energy Generation to demand a change in actions and policies that will improve our lives now and in the future for our children and grandchildren. As the Clean Energy Generation, we can each play a role. You don’t have to have the answers. Learning more is a great way to start. Join us, and we’ll share ideas, resources, tools, and practices to show how we can all be part of the transformation.

Add your name to show you’re part of the

Clean Energy Generation.

Let’s do this together!