The Clean Energy Generation is a movement of people of all ages and abilities working together to address the climate crisis and create a healthy future where our families, communities, and planet will thrive.
Our reality today is one of unprecedented climate disruption yet also historic climate funding and opportunity. The purpose and progress of the Clean Energy Generation grows stronger each day as we share solutions and transition away from polluting fossil fuels – all to protect the people and places we love. No matter who we are, where we live, or how much is in our wallets, we all deserve a healthier, more secure future. Thank you for being part of the momentum – let us know you’re in by signing up below!
Add your name to show you’re part of the Clean Energy Generation. Together, we can do this.
Once you’ve signed up, check out these Clean Energy Generation resources below, including a list of actions you can start taking today and inspiring stories of people like you taking action across the Southeast.
Take Action with Us Read the ‘Clean Energy Generation’ Blog