Take Action

Being the Clean Energy Generation that tackles the climate crisis and secures the future we want for ourselves and our kids to thrive is going to take millions of us working together. Whether we are Black, brown, or white, whether we live downtown or out in the country, and no matter how much is in our wallets, there is a role for each of us to play in the movement.

As the Clean Energy Generation, we are working as individuals, families, and as communities to harness the benefits of clean energy and build a brighter future for ourselves and our communities.

Here are a few ways you can get started with being part of the Clean Energy Generation:

Join the Movement

As more of us come together, our actions create more impact. Take one minute to sign onto the Clean Energy Generation movement. You’ll receive occasional resources, inspiration, ideas, and support for taking action on issues that matter most to you. You can also join our next member call where we dive deeper into the movement and the actions we’re taking. 

Join the Movement

Join a Call

Share Your Story

Help us get to know you and share why the clean energy transition is important to you. This can be as little or as much as you’d like to share, such as your motivation to support clean energy, actions you’re already taking or want to take, goals you have for your community, and ideas you’re exploring. We won’t share your story publicly unless you expressly allow us to.

Share Your Story

Invite Friends and Family to Get Involved

The only way we can bring about the world we want to see is if more of us get involved. Help us get the word out to invite more folks to join the Clean Energy Generation by sharing one of our social media posts! Just click the link and customize your post:

Be sure to use the #CleanEnergyGeneration hashtag when you’re feeling inspired and want to share with your network!

And Follow SACE on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram for more information, connection, and inspiration!


Our ability to fight the climate crisis depends on how many of us show up. That’s why I’m going to do my part in the “Clean Energy Generation.” Will you join me?

The Clean Energy Generation is a growing movement of people who are taking action to create a healthier, more secure, and more sustainable environment, starting now.

The tools and technologies to produce clean energy already exist, so more of us need to demand a change in actions and policies that will improve our lives for our children and grandchildren now and in the future. The future we envision is within reach.

Click here to add your name with mine!

Join a Team

We can all act as individuals and households in being part of the Clean Energy Generation, but we can make a bigger impact when working together. Let us know if you would like to be connected with others in your community and around the region who are envisioning what a clean energy future looks like in the Southeast and what projects you might be able to achieve together. Whether it’s solar on all your city-owned buildings or sharing educational resources with community members, sign up to join a Clean Energy Team.

Join a Team

Find Resources

The tools and technologies to produce clean energy are more affordable and accessible than ever. Plus, a historic level of federal funding for climate action and clean energy is now available for individuals and communities throughout our region. Change is already happening! Check out some of these great resources and learn how you can bring home the benefits of clean energy!

Ready to jump in and do more? Contact us and we’ll be glad to explore other actions you can take, share inspirational examples of people taking action, or connect you with others in your area who are playing a role in the Clean Energy Generation.