Once every 5 year opportunity to reset energy conservation goals for state’s utilities.The higher the goals = the broader scale of the programs (and better impact for customers). 
2020 goals submitted in April, even worse than 2015 goals. Gulf Power, JEO, OUC goal = 0 FPL = as close to 0 as they can get.

Florida is below national and Southeast averages on Energy Efficiency:
SACE 2018 Energy Efficiency Report

-Low income goals plan
-Look at what other utilities in the region across the country are doing and move up to .29% annually [SE average] – 1.5% [High-end of National] of annual sales.
—–Current goals are .13% of annual sales. 


April 12th – utilities submitted their direct testimony
June 10th – all intervenors’ testimony due
July 9th – blog releasing PSC Action letter
July 9th/10th – send out first email to
of list
July 9th/10th – start FB ads
July 8th/12th – Ed-board memo
July 19th – Op-Ed framing
July 24th – send out second email to
of list
August 2nd – send out third email to last
of list
August 5th – send another email out to full list with AA alert to PSC
August 8th – individual emails to notify press of hearing
Aug 12-16th – hearings
September – briefs due
November or December – Commission decision expected

Florida Sun Sentinel, 6/04/2019, Florida’s power regulators can help consumers save money by setting sensible conservation goals

SACE, 2/20/19, Florida Power & Light Drags State to Bottom of Efficiency Rankings
The Invading Sea, 6/19/19, Florida’s power regulators can help consumers save money by setting sensible conservation goals
SACE, 7/4/2019, Florida’s power regulators can help consumers save money by setting sensible conservation goals
SACE, 8/9/19, There They Go Again in Florida, Abandoning Customers Who Want To Lower Bills

Email to PSC:
“Dear Commissioners,

I understand that you will be setting energy savings goals for the state’s largest utilities that will dictate the scale of efficiency programs I and my neighbors are offered for the next ten years. I urge you to stand up for customers by adopting goals that will meaningfully help families cut energy waste and save money on bills.

We all want to make our homes more efficient, comfortable and secure. Robust efficiency programs play a critical role to so many hard-working families in Florida that may not have the resources to upgrade their homes without the assistance of a utility program.

Efficiency helps lower bills for all customers through less fuel being burned and deferring costly future power plants. Yet, the most recent proposed utility goals continue an alarming trend of utilities abandoning customers on using energy smarter.

Florida already badly trails states nationally, including in the Southeast, in capturing energy savings for customers. Yet instead of proposing higher goals, many of the state’s largest utilities have proposed goals of zero or close to zero. With some of the highest electric bills in the nation, the utilities proposed goals, if approved, will ensure unnecessarily higher bills for hard-working families.

That’s why I’m asking you to please support goals that are in line with the energy savings captured by leading states, and that will spur investments in energy efficiency to as many customers as possible. Let’s not leave savings on the table.

Thank you for your consideration,
{Your Name}”


Fact Sheet

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