
Volunteer Energy Leads the Way

Members of Volunteer Energy Cooperative should be pleased with their efforts, as their Cooperative is leading the way on energy efficiency among the power distributors served by TVA. Late last year VEC, at the…


And The Award for Biggest Taxpayer Ripoff Goes To?

This blog was written by Sara Barczak, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, with contributions by Jeannie McKinney, former SACE Communications Coordinator.


What Government Can Do Now

What do the five largest U.S. coal companies, five largest U.S. utilities, five largest U.S. auto manufacturers, leading environmental organizations and labor unions representing over 14 million Americans all have in common?…


Illegal Discharge of Toxic Coal Ash into Waterways Prompts Legal Action at TVAs Colbert Plant

This blog by Waterkeeper Alliance and Tennessee Riverkeeper originally appeared on EcoWatch's website. Click here to view the EcoWatch blog. Citing ongoing coal waste contamination at Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)’s Colbert Fossil Plant, conservation groups…


Clean Line: Getting Wind Energy from There to Here

Simon Mahan, SACE's Renewable Energy Manager, contributed to this blog. The plains have corn, but here in the south, we have rice. Both grains have the potential to serve a role in…


Mississippi to surpass Alabama in energy efficiency?

Slow and steady wins the race, they say. Though Alabama was off to a better start,  it's beginning to look like the state of Mississippi is going to surpass Alabama in their…


Wind turning heads in Alabama: turbines next?

Onshore wind power can work and be profitable in Alabama. That's according to Pioneer Green Energy, the experienced wind energy developer behind the Shinbone Wind Energy Center proposed near Gadsden, in northeastern Alabama.…


Open Letter to Sens. Corker and Alexander on TVA Board Nominations

Update: On February 7, 2013 the organizations on this letter received a response from Senator Corker's office; the letter can be viewed here. We have still received no response from Senator Alexander's…


TVA Board Nominees Confirmed, but What About Dr. Brown?

  On the morning of January 1, 2013, the Senate passed the controversial fiscal cliff bill and sent it to the House of Representatives. That afternoon, while all eyes were on the…


Letting the Coal Ash Settle: The Kingston Disaster 4 Years Later

  Just before 1 a.m. on Monday, December 22, 2008, TVA's coal ash impoundment at its Kingston Fossil Plant in Roane County, TN ruptured and spilled 1.1 billion gallons (5.4 million cubic yards)…