
Sun Continues to Shine on Florida; Solar Lease Gets Green Light

Do you want to power your home with a rooftop solar system, but don’t want to spend the upfront cash for a system, or don’t want the responsibility of maintaining the system?…


Florida’s Solar Outlook Just Got Sunnier

We’re the Sunshine State, right? Yet despite having one of the largest electricity markets in the nation, Florida doesn’t make the top-ten state list for solar development. That may be about to change.…


Georgia Tax Exemption Can Improve Project Economics

Georgia has a number of tax exemptions that could potentially apply to solar and other electric power generation projects. One that can really impact project economics is Georgia’s tangible personal property tax…


Amendment 4 on August's Ballot Seeks to Lower Solar Energy Costs in Sunshine State

Want to know the best-kept secret in Florida about one of the biggest barriers holding back meaningful solar development? It’s not the lack of sunshine - Florida has best solar resource east…


FL Senate Measure Seeks to Eliminate Onerous Taxes on the Sun

Florida State Senator Jeff Brandes just took a big step toward removing a major roadblock to more solar development in the Sunshine State.  He filed a measure that would end burdensome taxes…


The Solar Uprising Begins

Floridians stood up for solar in a major way at last Thursday’s Solar Uprising Rally in Tallahassee, FL.  With over 300 people in attendance, loudly calling for the state to adopt policies…


Commissioner Putnam, I'm Hungry for Leadership

I’m so sick of political doublespeak in Washington and Tallahassee. It’s time that we the people get serious about holding our elected representatives accountable. Here is one that needs our attention: Florida…


Florida: Don't Tax the Sun

This guest blog comes courtesy of John K. Porter, Managing Director of Clean Footprint - Solar Development and Financing There has been a lot of talk coming out of Tallahassee about eliminating…