Fossil Fueled Extreme Weather and the Executives of Climate Change “Welcome to the rest of our lives.” This is a quote from an interview with Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson, as he describes the extreme weather we are experiencing with rapidly…
Nuclear Accountability in Washington, One Year After Fukushima
For the third consecutive year I participated in the Alliance for Nuclear Accountability's (ANA) annual DC Days event. I joined scores of concerned citizens from across the country, along with several people…
Its the Same Old Song: Oil Money Secures the Support of Congress
This blog was written by Jennifer Rennicks, former Senior Director of Policy & Communications and Jeannie McKinney, former Communications Coordinator, at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.
Georgia Public Service Commission Approves Coal Retirements
On Tuesday (March 20, 2012), the Georgia Public Service Commission (PSC) issued a decision approving Georgia Power Company’s request to retire two uneconomic coal units, Harllee Branch Units 1 and 2. We…
Georgia Power Finishes 2011 with a Round of Applause
This blog was written by Natalie Mims and Jeannie McKinney. A little bit of congratulating is in order for one of the Southeast’s largest investor-owned electric utilities. As we’ve said time and…
NRC Approves Vogtle License, Chairman Only Vote for Safety
This blog was authored by Mandy Hancock, former high risk energy choices organizer at SACE.
Vogtle Loan Guarantee Update: Nuclear Power Secrecy Continues
This blog was written by Sara Barczak, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.
Wind Power is the Most Under Exploited Energy Opportunity in the Southern U.S.
This blog is a guest post by Herman K. Trabish originally posted at greentechmedia. New technologies make the Southern states’ wind resources a new frontier for developers. The U.S. has nearly 45,000…
Southern Company Making Us Proud
National Public Radio's Morning Edition ran a story today on how Southern Company is putting its corporate policy of aggressively fighting beneficial health standards ahead of mothers and children, as well as…
Old Coal on the Brink in Georgia
Georgia Power Company (GPC) operates a fleet of old coal plants. Their oldest coal units, Yates units 1 and 2, are 61 years old. Unlike wine, cheese or a savings account, coal…