How much solar and wind will Georgia utility regulators allow?
This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.
Guest Post: 9 facts about solar in the Southeast
This is guest post originally written by Kathie Zipp with Solar Power World. The original post can be viewed here. Slides and content were taken from a presentation given at the 2016 Intersolar North…
Declare Energy Independence this July 4th!
This blog was compiled by Kailie Melchior, Communications Intern with SACE. Once again we are gearing up to celebrate the Fourth of July, which also means it’s time to declare your energy…
Green Spirit Awards: Two leading sources of dehydration team up to save water! (HINT: One's beer.)
This is the fifth post in our Green Spirit Awards monthly blog series, highlighting breweries, wineries and distilleries in the Southeast using clean energy to create tasty, sustainable beverages. You can read…
Voting for solar in Florida has never been more important… or easier!
This blog entry was written by Allie Brown, former Clean Energy Advocacy Manager at SACE.
North Carolina's Secret Agenda to Destroy Renewable Energy
Jennifer Rennicks, SACE's NC Liaison and Director of Policy and Communications, contributed to this post. North Carolina has been a lightning rod for controversy over the past few months with its passage…
By Any Other Name... The Battle Over "Community Solar"
What’s in a name? When it comes to solar, a whole lot. In any industry, accurate use of terminology is pretty important. In the rapidly evolving and policy driven solar industry, it…
Super Tuesday: Why are conservatives crazy in love with THIS type of energy?
Conservatives get a bad rap for hating renewable energy. But new polling out by the conservative group, ClearPath, show what types of energy republican voters really want and with Super Tuesday upon…
Shop Green Friday, not Black Friday
Buy Clean Energy T-shirts this Holiday Season...& Support SACE! The Southern Alliance for Clean Energy is excited to announce that this year, there's a couple of colorful, socially-conscious and environmentally-sustainable options you…
Is TVA's New Integrated Resource Plan a Wise Path Forward?
My staff and I very much appreciated the opportunity to engage closely with TVA staff throughout the development of TVA's 2015 Integrated Resource Plan. Not only did TVA engage stakeholders and its…