Write a Letter for South Carolina Solar Today!
With just two weeks left in this energy-focused South Carolina legislative session, the Legislature has not passed anything to ensure the protection of customers' access to solar power as a way to…
Southeast Women in Solar, 2016 #nationWISE Event
SACE staffers Allie Brown and Anne Blair also contributed to this post. Earlier this month, we blogged about that national solar roundtable discussion called #nationWISE. Over 600 professionals all over the country…
Women in Solar – A Growing Force Fights for Diversity
Last month we wrote about the explosive job growth in the solar industry. As the field continues to grow, the question must be asked: are we embracing and encouraging the development of…
Solar Jobs are Shining Bright
The solar industry has had another banner year for job growth. According to the Solar Foundation’s 6th annual solar jobs census, over 35,000 new solar jobs were added in North America in…
Solar Farm Will Generate Energy and Millions In Economic Benefits to Northern Alabama
Toni Nelson, SACE's Renewable Energy Manager, also contributed to this post. A recent study by the University of Alabama Center for Business and Economic Research found that a proposed 80 MW solar…
Solar energy future bright for Georgia
This blog entry was written by Allie Brown, former Clean Energy Advocacy Manager at SACE.