Will energy efficiency be bigger than rooftop solar in the Southeast?
This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.
Time for Virgin Islands to Transfer Power, to Renewables
This blog was written by Simon Mahan, former Energy Policy Manager at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.
Solar Customer to Central Georgia EMC: No Justification For Discriminating Against Solar Customers
The following is a letter originally drafted to by Robert Fowler of Locust Grove, Georgia to his state legislators. With his permission, SACE is sharing his story about recent changes by his…
After Fukushima Nuclear Disaster, Solar Booms in the Land of the Rising Sun
This blog was written by Sara Barczak, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.
The SC House's Billion-Dollar Solar Opportunity
A bill before the South Carolina House Ways and Means Committee presents a nearly one-and-a-half billion-dollar investment opportunity for the state if it ultimately passes. The Renewable Energy Jobs and Economic Development…
Retired Fighter Pilot Responds to "Fact Free" Attacks on Wind Farm in NC
This blog was written by Sarah Gilliam, former Communications Coordinator at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.
One EV Driver's Three Year Report on Driving a Nissan Leaf
This is an expert post from a blog written by Steve O’Neil of Asheville, North Carolina. Steve is an advocate for clean, green, renewable energy technologies.
Jumbo’s Green Side: Sustainability at Tufts University
This blog was written by Jennifer Rennicks, former Senior Director of Policy & Communications at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.
More Corporations Going Green, Southeastern States Are Lagging
This blog was written by Simon Mahan, former Energy Policy Manager at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.
Brights Ideas at University of Louisiana at Lafayette
This blog was written by Simon Mahan, former Energy Policy Manager at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.