Supreme Court Decision Leaves Permit Requirement for Large Polluters in Place
This guest post originally appeared on the Environmental Defense Fund's Climate 411 blog and was written by EDF Senior attorneys Pamela Campos and Peter Zalzal. You can access the original post here. [On June…
New Soot Standards Bring Cheer for the New Year
You know what's the best holiday gift of all--the promise of cleaner air! Today, after years of delay, a legal battle and facing a court-ordered deadline, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency issued updated major…
We Know Where the Carbon Pollution is Coming From and Here is How We Get After It
This blog was written by Dan Lashof, director of the Natural Resource Defense Council's climate and clean air program. The blog originally appeared on NRDC's Council Staff Blog "Switchboard." You can find…
Energy and Water Collisions: Drought Implications
This blog was written by Sara Barczak, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.
Voices From Across the Region: Tell EPA to Limit Mercury Pollution
Atlanta was the perfect location for May 26th's Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) public hearing to discuss a proposed new rule to limit mercury and other hazardous air pollutants from power plants. Within…
With Clean Air and Justice for All
This Thursday, May 26th, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will hold a public hearing in Atlanta, Georgia to solicit comments on the proposed and long-awaited rule to set national standards for mercury…
New Rule Suggests EPA Is Caving Under Pressure (and so are the fish)
In the face of pressure from Congress and industry, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has just proposed a new rule that fails to adequately safeguard the aquatic ecosystems, fish and water they…
Florida lawmaker warns North Carolina against controversial power plant financing plan
This blog was originally posted by the Institute for Southern Studies in their online publication: Facing South and was written by Sue Sturgis. New article on this topic from the Raleigh News…
EPA Greenhouse Gas Limits to Take Effect in 2011
Despite what you may have heard about the United States’ continuing failure to address the dangers of global climate change, on January 2, 2011 greenhouse gases (GHGs) will, for the first time…
Copenhagen Close-up: The Danes Show the Path Away from Dirty Coal
This post was co-authored by Ulla Reeves. Today as I flew into Copenhagen, I was struck by two very different views of energy production, the large wind turbines off the Danish coast…