
Another hurdle for “dormant” Plant Washington

Katherine Helms Cummings leads the fight to stop Plant Washington from her home in Washington County, Georgia. She is Executive Director of the Fall-Line Alliance for a Clean Environment (FACE) and writes…


EPA Finally Announces Greenhouse Gas Standard

After much delay, today the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released the first-ever national standards to limit greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from coal plants. The proposal aims to restrict the amount of GHG emissions…


Greenhouse Gas Regulation Not As Costly As Global Warming

Recently a contingency of 221 Members of Congress publicly sided with dirty energy interests over public health interests.  These elected officials signed onto a letter penned by Georgia’s own Rep. John Barrow…


Obama Must Stand With EPA On Climate Policy

President Obama recently announced the cancellation of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) plans to update weak and scientifically unsupported Bush-era ozone standards. The President based this unfortunate decision on the newly popular idea…