Attacks Against Clean Air Keep Coming
They say that bad things come in threes. Recently we've seen three very bad ideas to attack and undermine the Clean Air Act on three of the worst categories of air pollution…
Instead of Coal, Santa and EPA Bring Relief from Toxic Mercury
With less than a week to go before Christmas, you might think that this post is about an early present. In fact, it’s about a late present—two decades late—but it is a…
Enough Lies and Misinformation
Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa Jackson is set to finalize a crucial new clean air rule to limit mercury pollution. Meanwhile opponents of clean energy are tripping over themselves to have the…
Southern Company Making Us Proud
National Public Radio's Morning Edition ran a story today on how Southern Company is putting its corporate policy of aggressively fighting beneficial health standards ahead of mothers and children, as well as…
Citizens take charge of their health, test for toxic mercury
This blog was written by Eriqah Foreman Williams with input from Amelia Shenstone, former Regional Advocacy Director of the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.
In Ga Revised Air Permit Fails Again to Protect
This blog was written by Amelia Shenstone, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.
EPA Extends Comment Period for Mercury Rule
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently announced that it will extend the comment period for its proposed mercury and air toxics rule by 30 days. The comment period opened in the spring…
Voices From Across the Region: Tell EPA to Limit Mercury Pollution
Atlanta was the perfect location for May 26th's Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) public hearing to discuss a proposed new rule to limit mercury and other hazardous air pollutants from power plants. Within…
With Clean Air and Justice for All
This Thursday, May 26th, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will hold a public hearing in Atlanta, Georgia to solicit comments on the proposed and long-awaited rule to set national standards for mercury…
Voice Your Support for EPA Mercury Rule
On March 16th the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) signed a proposed new rule to set first ever national standards for mercury and other toxic air emissions from coal plants. The rule was…