
Duke Energy's Commitment to Overspend on Coal Plants

This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Southeast Coal Roundup - Tennessee Valley Authority

Due to the perfect storm of stricter environmental regulations, the current state of malaise in the U.S. economy and the drastic reduction in the price of natural gas, we are beginning to…


Georgians await ruling on clean energy in Georgia Power long-range plan

Will Georgia get more solar? Will unnecessary dirty coal plants get shut down? Will Georgians get more help saving energy and lowering our bills? These questions and more are on the line…


TVA Announces Plans to Idle Colbert Coal Plant Units

UPDATE: On July 15, 2013, TVA determined that Colbert Unit 5 will be idled on October 1, 2013.  Unit 5  was previously planned to idle in October 2014.  We applaud TVA's acceleration…


A Moment In Time A Citizen Speaks before the Georgia Public Service Commission

This post is written by Reverend Dr. Gerald L. Durley, Pastor Emeritus, Providence Missionary Baptist Church, Atlanta, GA and consultant for SACE. In all of our lives there are moments that occur…


Meeting power needs with less coal in Georgia

Ulla Reeves, SACE's Regional Program Director, contributed to and edited this blog. On January 7, Georgia Power Co. announced that it would shutter 15 generating units – about 2,000 megawatts (MW) or…


SACE grades TVA draft Plan, calls for public input to move TVA to the head of the class

The Tennessee Valley is at a critical crossroads for its energy and economic development. Whether our future is one where efficiency and renewable energy drive a strong clean energy economy or one…