Solar Boom Continues!
2013: another record year for the solar industry! The much anticipated solar market report, U.S. Solar Market Insight Report: 2013 Year-in-Review, was released today by the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) and…
Commissioner Putnam, I'm Hungry for Leadership
I’m so sick of political doublespeak in Washington and Tallahassee. It’s time that we the people get serious about holding our elected representatives accountable. Here is one that needs our attention: Florida…
Is Another Nuclear Reactor in Trouble in Florida?
On March 3, 2014 Florida Power and Light (FPL) will bring the St. Lucie Unit 2 nuclear reactor near Fort Pierce, Florida down to perform a refueling of the radioactive fuel in…
Current Florida PSC like episode of Utilities Gone Wild says former member
This blog and its unique perspective comes courtesy of Nancy Argenziano. She served on the Florida Public Service Commissioner from 2007 - 2010 and in the Florida Legislature as a senator and…
Duke Energy: This is Not Leadership
Shorter versions of this oped were originally published in North Carolina in the Charlotte Observer on February 10, 2014 (found here) and in Florida in the Tampa Bay Times on February 11,…
Florida: Don't Tax the Sun
This guest blog comes courtesy of John K. Porter, Managing Director of Clean Footprint - Solar Development and Financing There has been a lot of talk coming out of Tallahassee about eliminating…
Hold Candidates Accountable on Climate
The Tampa Bay Times ran some excellent coverage last week on the issue of climate change in the special election for Florida’s 13th Congressional District. While climate change and sea level rise…
Florida could learn clean energy solutions from Puerto Rico
Having grown up on the small island of Puerto Rico, I’ve always had a special connection to the sea. However, it’s unfortunate that the consequences of climate change will soon begin to…
Solar Deserves a Shout Out!
Today marks the Solar Energy Industries Association’s (SEIA) 40th anniversary, and the nation’s first “Shout Out for Solar” day! And there are many reasons to “shout out” for solar. Over the past…
Less Sunny Year in Gainesville
A few weeks ago the Gainesville City Commissioners voted (5-2) to suspend the Regional Utilities (GRU) feed-in tariff (FiT) solar program. Interestingly, the event received little attention outside the Gainesville area, despite…