Governor Scott, What's Your Plan?
There has been a lot of attention paid to climate change impacts to Florida in the past month, including the record rain storms that resulted in the declaration of a state of…
FPL’s Solar Plan: It’s a Joke, But It’s Not Funny
I live and work in south Florida and have been a clean energy advocate for well over a decade. During that time, Florida’s families and businesses have overwhelmingly supported more solar power…
The Solar Uprising Begins
Floridians stood up for solar in a major way at last Thursday’s Solar Uprising Rally in Tallahassee, FL. With over 300 people in attendance, loudly calling for the state to adopt policies…
Floridians Stand Up for Solar Today at the State Capitol
This blog was written by Jennifer Rennicks, former Senior Director of Policy & Communications at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.
Miami Tackles Sea Level Rise in Absence of State Leadership
In recent blogs, I expressed my surprise and disappointment in our lack of state-wide clean energy policy solutions in Florida to mitigate the worst impacts of climate change. Since then I have…
Florida's Big Power Companies: Influence or Coincidence?
A report released today by a non-profit watchdog group, Integrity Florida, concludes that hefty political contributions by the state’s biggest power companies and their army of lobbyists have helped advance the interest…
NRC May I? An explanation of the nuclear safety implications of 10 CFR 50.59 and its relevance to St. Lucie Unit 2
This blog post by Dave Lochbaum, director of the Nuclear Safety Project with the Union of Concerned Scientists, originally ran on March 4, 2014 in their All Things Nuclear: Insights on Science…
New Southeast EPA Administrator Faces Challenges Ahead
In the first month of 2014, the Environmental Protection Agency appointed Heather McTeer Toney as the new Region 4 Administrator. The former Regional Administrator, Gwendolyn Keyes Fleming, left to become chief of staff…
Puerto Rico Leaves Florida in its Wake on Clean Energy Policy
In a recent blog Florida Could Learn About Clean Energy Solutions from Puerto Rico, I shared my journey in searching for Florida’s clean energy policy. As a young political scientist, I began this journey…
FPL is running an experimental reactor in a weak regulatory environment
SACE High Risk Energy Choices Program Director, Sara Barczak, contributed to this post. Recently across the Southeastern United States, we have witnessed and experienced what happens when cavalier energy companies team up…