
Poor, Minority Metro-Atlanta Neighborhoods Attract More Pollution

Examples have shown time and time again that low income and communities of color continue to suffer disproportionate impacts from dirty energy choices here in the Southeast. A new report released by…


EPA Finally Announces Greenhouse Gas Standard

After much delay, today the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released the first-ever national standards to limit greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from coal plants. The proposal aims to restrict the amount of GHG emissions…


Attacks Against Clean Air Keep Coming

They say that bad things come in threes. Recently we've seen three very bad ideas to attack and undermine the Clean Air Act on three of the worst categories of air pollution…


Greenhouse Gas Regulation Not As Costly As Global Warming

Recently a contingency of 221 Members of Congress publicly sided with dirty energy interests over public health interests.  These elected officials signed onto a letter penned by Georgia’s own Rep. John Barrow…


Instead of Coal, Santa and EPA Bring Relief from Toxic Mercury

With less than a week to go before Christmas, you might think that this post is about an early present. In fact, it’s about a late present—two decades late—but it is a…


Southern Company Making Us Proud

National Public Radio's Morning Edition ran a story today on how Southern Company is putting its corporate policy of aggressively fighting beneficial health standards ahead of mothers and children, as well as…


Did N.C. lead a retreat from cleaner air standards?

This blog was written by Jennifer Rennicks, former Senior Director of Policy & Communications at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Old Coal on the Brink in Georgia

Georgia Power Company (GPC) operates a fleet of old coal plants. Their oldest coal units, Yates units 1 and 2, are 61 years old. Unlike wine, cheese or a savings account, coal…


Revitalizing a Community with Environment in Mind: A New Hope in New Norris

This blog was written by SACE intern Jeannie McKinney and Natalie Mims. Our nation has seen an exponential rise in environmental activism and energy problem solving within the last decade, and the…


Cleaner Air (may still be) Coming to a State Near You

This blog was written by Jennifer Rennicks, former Senior Director of Policy & Communications at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.