
TVA Announces Plans to Idle Colbert Coal Plant Units

UPDATE: On July 15, 2013, TVA determined that Colbert Unit 5 will be idled on October 1, 2013.  Unit 5  was previously planned to idle in October 2014.  We applaud TVA's acceleration…


Southeast River Runs Part 3: Coal Ash on the Black Warrior River

This is the third blog in a series featuring rivers of the Southeast endangered by toxic coal ash pollution. The rest of the series can be found here. Thanks to Nelson Brooke, Black…


5 Things Obama Said About Climate Change Today That Could Impact the Southeast

This blog was co-authored by SACE Coastal Climate and Energy Coordinator, Chris Carnevale. "There’s no single step that can reverse the effects of climate change. But when it comes to the world…


Southeast River Runs Part 1: Coal ash on the rivers we love

This is the first blog in a series featuring rivers of the Southeast endangered by toxic coal ash pollution. The rest of the series can be found here. Summer is a great time of…


TVA Updates Citizens on Kingston Coal Ash Spill Cleanup Status

On May 30, the Tennessee Valley Authority and the Environmental Protection Agency held a public hearing in Kingston, TN where they provided an update on their combined efforts to clean up the…


Unbelievably, politicians play politics with public health

This piece, written by Dr. Olson Huff, originally ran in the Raleigh News & Observer on May 18, 2013. As a doctor, I regularly witness how harmful pollution created by burning coal…


GOP Tactics Delay Confirmation of EPA Administrator

UPDATE:  On Thursday, May 15, the Senate Environmental and Public Works Committee voted along party lines to approve Gina McCarthy's nomination (every Republican, including all four Republican Senators from the Southeast opposed McCarthy's nomination).…


How Clean is Your Air? The Answers Might Surprise You

This blog was written by Jennifer Rennicks, former Senior Director of Policy & Communications at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


After 30 Years EPA Proposes New Coal Water Pollution Standards

On Friday, April 19, the Environmental Protection Agency met a court-ordered deadline and released long-awaited draft Coal Water Pollution Standards (also known as Effluent Limitation Guidelines or ELGs). These standards, originally scheduled for…


More Delays from EPA on Final Carbon Rule for New Coal Plants

Saturday, April 13, was set to be the day for the Environmental Protection Agency to release final regulations limiting carbon pollution from new power plants.  April 13 came and went, however, with no final…