
Favorable Environmental Review Green Lights Wind Energy Power Line Project

A favorable final environmental analysis of a proposed wind energy power line has just been published. According to the Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Plains and Eastern Clean Line project,…


Frank Talk: Pope Francis Calls for Bold Actions Against "Culture of Waste" at United Nations

This post is part of the “Prelude to Paris” series highlighting updates and analysis on international climate negotiations in the lead up to the United Nations climate change conference – the 21st…


Frank Talk: Pope Francis Calls for "Courageous Actions" on Poverty, Environment

This post is part of the “Prelude to Paris” series highlighting updates and analysis on international climate negotiations in the lead up to the United Nations climate change conference – the 21st…


Lengthy Environmental Review Covers Bases for Wind Power Transmission

This blog is part of a series reviewing the proposed Plains and Eastern Clean Line project. Other blogs in the series are available here. The Plains and Eastern Clean Line, a high voltage direct…


19 1/2 Similarities Between Sailboats and Wind Turbines

Wind turbines and sailboats share many commonalities. Both are super advanced, highly popular and lovable, low cost and protective of the environment, but do you know all of the 19 1/2 ways…