
Progress making progress with low-income energy efficiency program

This blog was written by SACE intern Jeannie McKinney and Natalie Mims. Finding best practices in utility-led energy efficiency programs usually means looking beyond our region. Sadly, most of the leading programs…


Driving energy efficiency too slow

This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


2011 Solar Home Tour makes Stop at Smith Residence

Knoxville's 2011 Solar Home Tour is October 22. SACE is excited about this year's annual tour, and welcomes the recent expansion of solar energy development in east Tennessee. I am especially excited…


Southeast is movin on up in ACEEE state scorecard ranking

The American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE ) released their 5th annual state scorecard on energy efficiency yesterday and the results, not surprisingly, support that the efficiency sector continues to…


A fresh look at the buyer of last resort, PURPA

This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Energy Awareness Month: Save Energy With Simple Tips for the Home

As the third in a series of blogs during Energy Awareness Month, this post explores simple energy savings tips for your home. Since 1991, the federal government has recognized October as Energy…


Turn Words into Action; Turn Action into Results

This guest post was authored by Danielle Matheson, Campus Program Communications Intern for the Southern Energy Network (SEN). Energy Awareness Month is happening now and for the rest of October! There are…


Solar Decathlon impresses despite nasty weather

All week last week, while traveling to Denver for a conference by the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy, I was looking forward to the Solar Decathlon. (No offense to ACEEE…


Energy Awareness Month: Save Energy with Home Retrofits for Less Than $300

As the first in a series of blogs during Energy Awareness Month, this post will look at do-it-yourself home energy retrofits for less than $300. In 1991, the federal government designated October…


Georgia Power and Efficiency - Not Out of the Bottom Yet

This blog was written by SACE intern Jeannie McKinney and Natalie Mims. According to their second quarter report for 2011,*Georgia Power Company (GPC) has only accomplished 9 percent of their annual energy…