Drive an Electric Vehicle This Weekend for National Plug In Day
Want more first hand experience with an electric vehicle? Well, this weekend is a great time to get behind the wheel and try one out for yourself during National Plug In Day. …
Are electric vehicles REAL cars?
This blog is part of a series on electric vehicles. Other blogs in this series include: “Ecotality Blinks Out, But EVs Still Going,” " Electric Vehicle Range - Problem Solved," and more…
Electric Vehicle Range - Problem Solved
This blog is part of a series on electric vehicles. Other blogs in this series include: "Ecotality Blinks Out, But EVs Still Going" and more yet to come. Please also help us spread the word…
Ecotality Blinks Out, But EVs Still Growing
In recent news, electric vehicle charger developer and EV Project coordinator, Ecotality, announced that it is likely to file for bankruptcy. Ecotality has spearheaded some of the largest charging infrastructure installations in…
Is the End of EV Range Anxiety in Sight? Nine Strategies To Put EV Owners At Ease
This blog by Laurie Guevara-Stone, a writer and editor at Rocky Mountain Institute, originally appeared on the RMI Outlet, here. In the early days of the automobile, travel required careful planning. There…
Going the Distance: Range Anxiety Overlooks the EV Sweet Spot
This blog by Rocky Mountain Institute's Editorial Director, Peter Bronski, originally appeared on the RMI Outlet, here. There’s a famous clip from the sitcom Seinfeld, where Kramer takes a car out for…
Can We Reinvent Fire in the Southeast?
Here at SACE, we have been investigating new clean energy ideas that we can build on. These efforts have lead us to Rocky Mountain Institute's most recent publication, Reinventing Fire: Bold Business…
$6 Per Gallon Gasoline
As gasoline prices continue to rise across the country, and analysts predict $5 or $6 gasoline in the near future, people are wagging fingers and looking for relief at the pump. The last time gasoline prices…
Is the Electric Car Getting Its Revenge?
Anne Blair, SACE's clean fuels and bioenergy program manager, contributed to this post. I recently watched Revenge of the Electric Car (now available on DVD, Netflix, and Hulu), the new account of…
Obama calls oil a fuel of the past while visiting the Tarheel State
This blog was written by Jennifer Rennicks, former Senior Director of Policy & Communications at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.