
Congress: Picking energy losers, over clean energy winners

This blog was written by Sara Barczak, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


A Perfect Storm for Southern Wind Power Purchases?

This blog is part of the Southern Wind Energy Association’s Windy Wednesday series leading up to the wind energy industry’s largest annual event, WINDPOWER 2016, being hosted in New Orleans May 23-26. Registration and details…


Public Shut Out of FPL Rate Increase Deal

The Florida Supreme Court ruled today that a deal struck between industrial users and the states biggest power company, FPL, and approved by the Florida Public Service Commission (PSC), could move forward. The…


If You Burn Colombia's Coal with Alabama's Cash, Where are the Jobs?

How closely tied are Alabama Power's coal-fired electric plants and Alabama coal mining jobs? Not very, it turns out. Despite the attempt by one elected official to link the two, the fact…


Clean Cars Become Reality

Today is a historic day for our transportation future. The Obama Administration issued new clean car standards that will dramatically cut oil consumption, reduce emissions from the transportation sector, and save Americans…