
Florida Voters: Learn what candidates for office plan to do about sea level rise

  This blog was written by Kelsey Grentzer, former Florida Communications Coordinator at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy. Want to learn where your local candidates for office stand when it comes…


My Statement to the TVA Board on Major Rate Change Approved May 10, 2018

On May 10, 2018, one week before the Tennessee Valley Authority's 85th anniversary, I made the trip to historic Muscle Shoals, Alabama in order to publicly deliver my comments to the TVA…


SACE Staffer Makes Powerful Statement on Energy Justice at NAACP's 17th Annual Legislative Day on the Hill

This blog post was written by Jason Carney, former Clean Energy Program Manager with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


How the Trump Administration and Congress Should Use Science to Govern

This blog is a guest post by Peter Frumhoff of the Union of Concerned Scientists. The original post ran here on November 30, 2016. The election of Donald Trump raises many questions about the future…


Coal's Decline and New Possibilities

This post was written by Kailie Melchior, High Risk Energy Intern with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy (SACE) with contributions from SACE's High Risk Energy Coordinator, Adam Reaves. In April of this…


Congress Must Prevent Utilities From Skirting Coal Ash Landfill Requirements

U.S. Representative Hank Johnson (D) of Georgia recently introduced a bill, H.R. 4827, that would close a dangerous loophole in a federal coal ash rule by extending it to cover household garbage…


Taking the fight against Atlantic offshore drilling to Washington

Greetings from the nation’s capital! I am in Washington, D.C. on a trip to talk with Congressmen and Senators from South Carolina about the need to protect the Southeast coast from the…


Frank Talk: Pope Francis Calls for Bold Actions Against "Culture of Waste" at United Nations

This post is part of the “Prelude to Paris” series highlighting updates and analysis on international climate negotiations in the lead up to the United Nations climate change conference – the 21st…


Frank Talk: Pope Francis Calls for "Courageous Actions" on Poverty, Environment

This post is part of the “Prelude to Paris” series highlighting updates and analysis on international climate negotiations in the lead up to the United Nations climate change conference – the 21st…


Obama threatens to veto bill that would undermine EPA coal ash rule

Today, the U.S. House of Representatives is scheduled to vote on H.R. 1734, a dangerous bill that threatens the health and safety of communities here in the Southeast and across the country. Rep.…