
Global Warming Fact Sheets NOW in Spanish

VEA NUESTROS BLOG EN ESPANOL Southern Alliance for Clean Energy is now releasing Spanish versions of our newly created, state specific, global warming fact sheets.  Through these translated materials, SACE is continuing…


Is Biomass Electricity a Smart Thing to Do?

There is tremendous debate and controversy over biomass, and in some locations there is significant grassroots opposition to biopower projects.  A recurring question is whether utilization of biomass for energy production is…


EPA Greenhouse Gas Limits to Take Effect in 2011

Despite what you may have heard about the United States’ continuing failure to address the dangers of global climate change, on January 2, 2011 greenhouse gases (GHGs) will, for the first time…


Over $7 Million in Solar Innovation Grants Awarded to Tennessee Solar Industry

Tennessee businesses in the solar industry have been awaiting the announcement of awarded grants from the Tennessee Solar Institute (TSI) for weeks. And they finally got it.  On December 8th, TSI announced…


Cancun climate talks inspire and disappoint, near-term opportunities at hand

This post was co-authored by SACE's Board Chair, John Noel; Anne Blair, SACE's Diesel and Bioenergy Program Manager; and Jennifer Rennicks, SACE's Federal Policy Director. Last week I had the opportunity to…


Climate conversations in Cancun crawling along

This blog was written by Jennifer Rennicks, former Senior Director of Policy & Communications at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Southeast Coal Retirements Mount in 2010

Late last year we reported in this blog about the wave of old coal plant retirement announcements throughout the Southeast in which we counted 11 likely retirements in 4 Southeast states.  A…


Duke Energy Welcomes Energy Code Officials

This post was authored by former SACE staffer, Glenn Mauney. Why would a company that builds power plants host a reception at an event that is likely to help reduce the use…


A Pope of Climate Denial

This blog is a repost from Facing South: The Online Magazine for the Institute for Southern Studies. Find the original blog post by Sue Sturgis here. There's broad agreement among scientists nowadays…


Honey, I Shrunk the Renaissance: Nuclear Revival, Climate Change & Reality

The below article by Peter Bradford, a former member of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and former chair of the New York and Maine utility regulatory commissions, originally ran in www.ElectricityPolicy.com on…