
Southern Company Making Us Proud

National Public Radio's Morning Edition ran a story today on how Southern Company is putting its corporate policy of aggressively fighting beneficial health standards ahead of mothers and children, as well as…


Ford Power of Choice Tour This Week

As part of Southern Alliance for Clean Energy’s ongoing outreach on electric vehicles, we want to alert you to another opportunity to learn the who, what and how of electric vehicles and…


No more sticker shock

Did you ever think you'd see a car sticker that told you that you could get 99 miles/gallon or better? Well, it's here, sort of. The EPA released its official fuel economy…


With Clean Air and Justice for All

This Thursday, May 26th, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will hold a public hearing in Atlanta, Georgia to solicit comments on the proposed and long-awaited rule to set national standards for mercury…


EPA Takes Input on New Climate Pollution Safeguards

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is preparing to issue New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) for safeguarding our climate from greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution emitted from major sources such as coal plants and…


TVA Ahead of the Pack in Pollution and Pollution Reduction

The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) issued a January 6, 2011 release that uses a recent study by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to highlight TVA's successful reductions of dangerous air pollutants. The fact…