
One Step Forward, Two Steps Back? Southern Company Funds Climate Denial Machine

A story broke in the New York Times last week that reveals that Atlanta-based utility giant Southern Company has paid a significant sum of money supporting one of the most prominent climate denying scientists.…


New Report: Alabama ratepayers are "Left in the Dark" by PSC

This blog was written by Amelia Shenstone, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Gulf Power = Green Power? Utility leaps forward

Updated at 4:40pm ET, on February 16 to reflect correct solar capacity planned for military bases in Georgia Power's service territory. Gulf Power, a subsidiary of Southern Company and one of the smallest…


Behind closed doors: Ala. PSC decisions are out of public sight and mind

The following op-ed piece ran in the The Cruthirds Report on Dec. 5th and was authored by SACE staff and Michael Churchman of Alabama Environmental Council. On the day of the Public…


Burning Coal, Burning Cash in the Southeast

The cost of importing coal is a drain on the economies of Southeastern states, particularly in those states that rely heavily on coal-fired power.  In an updated report, "Burning Coal, Burning Cash"…


UCS Report: Wind Cheaper than Keeping Alabama Coal Plants Alive

Newly updated research shows that Alabama is still high on the list of states with coal plants that may be more expensive to maintain than to replace with cleaner sources, as we…


Conservative States Making Waves in Renewables

This blog post was written by Peebles Squires and published at INTO THE WIND, the American Wind Energy Association's blog. The original post is available here. As wind energy’s costs have fallen precipitously…


Many Coal Plants in the Southeast STILL Ripe for Retirement

The Union of Concerned Scientists(UCS) recently released an update to their existing report that identifies many coal units in the Southeast as "Ripe for Retirement."   UCS re-analyzed the economics of operating coal…


Alabama Power distracts from real issues at informal hearing

On December 10, the Alabama Public Service Commission (PSC) conducted an “informal public hearing” regarding Alabama Power’s capital expenditures for environmental compliance. The three-and-a-half hour hearing effectively demonstrated Alabama’s systemic failure to…


Southeastern States Headed Up, But Still Have Room to Grow with Energy Efficiency

Yesterday, the  American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy released its seventh annual State Energy Efficiency Scorecard. The annual report ranks states on their policy and program efforts, and provides recommendations for ways in…