
Breathing Easier: New Soot Rules Will Benefit Asthma Sufferers in the Southeast

EPA's recent decisive actions to fortify soot pollution regulations represents hope for people with asthma nationwide.


2023's Record-Breaking Extreme Weather Makes Strong Power Plant Carbon Rules Even More Important

Climate change disproportionately impacts our most vulnerable communities. We need EPA to adopt the strongest possible limits on pollution from power plants in order to protect our region's health and environmental safety.


Brightening Georgia With Solar For Lower-Income Households and Nonprofits

Georgia Bright aims to extend the advantages of solar power to low and middle-income residents, ultimately reducing the burden of utility bills.


EPA's Community Change Grants: Empowering Grassroots Action

The Biden administration's $2 billion Community Change Grants Program empowers lower-income communities to tackle environmental hazards and climate change impacts at the grassroots level.


Clean Energy Education & Environmental Action in Clayton County

Clayton County resident and Clean Energy Generation leader Rhudine Steele joined forces with SACE to advocate for clean energy, distributing Inflation Reduction Act handouts at the Rivers Alive Stream Cleanup.


Uplifting Architecture for a Sustainable Southeast: Exploring Clean Energy Opportunities

Explore how Architects are joining the clean energy generation to help lead the Southeast into a clean and sustainable future.


Southeast Residents Rally Behind Stricter Carbon Regulations for Power Plants

Residents across the Southeast are rallying behind the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's proposed carbon regulations for power plants, emphasizing a shared commitment to a cleaner future.


Takeaways from the Environmental Justice Summit: Understanding a Region’s History to Support its Future

On June 7th, Southern Alliance of Clean Energy staff joined over a dozen stakeholders for the Southeast Environmental Justice Summit in Atlanta, Georgia. The event was hosted by the Harambee House Citizens…


Unprecedented Funding Opportunities for Home Energy Upgrades

SACE hosted a workshop in Knoxville to help spread awareness about the unprecedented opportunities for residents to make home improvements that reduce energy use, lower utility bills, and improve comfort and safety.