
Florida Can Save Money Under the Clean Power Plan

This blog was written by Pamela Rivera at the Natural Resources Defense Council and originally appeared on NRDC's Switchboard blog.  You can find the original post here. Earlier this summer, the Environmental…


9 Energy-Saving Tips for Children’s Health Month

October is National Children's Health Month. As a Mom, I am always working to protect my child—trying to prepare healthy meals, setting limits on electronics, encouraging exercise and time outdoors, or taking over…


What do all nuclear reactors under construction in the U.S. have in common?

This blog was written by Sara Barczak, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Koch Empire Attacks Energy Efficiency

Right-wing organizations, many of which are connected to Charles and David Koch, have now turned to attacking the cheapest, most modular, reliable, and zero-carbon resource - energy efficiency. One would think that…


Money and Power: How much will Georgia Power's reactors cost us?

This editorial by Joeff Davis in Creative Loafing Atlanta was originally published on September 25, 2014 and the direct link can be accessed here. We appreciate receiving their approval to repost this…


Visit SACE on the National Solar Tour!

This weekend – on October 4-5 – the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy (SACE) will participate in the 19th annual National Solar Tour. The event is organized by the American Solar Energy Society…


People’s Climate March Recap: It Takes Everyone To Make A Change

This blog was written by SACE Communications Intern, Kelsey Adler, who went to New York to attend the march. You can read other, more general details about the event in our blog…


Rural Clean Energy Awards and Grants Announced

The USDA recently announced major new investments in clean, rural renewable energy and energy efficiency that will deliver significant benefits to our region and throughout the country. Here we will share those…


For Renewable Energy, The Future is Now

There's been some pretty amazing news for renewable energy recently. Just this week, a consortium of companies announced that they will build a $4 billion wind farm, connected to a $2.6 billion…


Why $100bn invested in wind or solar will produce more energy than oil

This article by Giles Parkinson originally appeared in the Australian publication RenewEconomy on September 16, 2014 and can be viewed in its entirety here. French investment bank Kepler Cheuvreux has produced a fascinating…