Celebrate National Drive Electric Week - September 12-20
National Drive Electric Week (NDEW) kicks off its fifth year this Saturday with hundreds of events scheduled throughout the week to celebrate electric cars (EVs). NDEW, nationally presented by Plug-In America, Sierra Club, and…
How Do I Go Solar?
This is a guest post by John Rogers, senior energy analyst for the Union of Concerned Scientists. John has expertise in renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies and policies, and he co-manages…
5 Reasons Utilities Are Hating on Their Solar-Producing Customers
This is a guest post by John Farrell, who is the Director of Democratic Energy at the Institute for Local Self-Reliance and widely known as the guru of distributed energy. The original…
Solar Choice in the Florida Supreme Court
Things haven’t exactly been easy for the solar industry in the Sunshine State. Despite abundant sunshine and a largely untapped market, energy policies are under the complete control of utility monopolies…
Climate Change and Our Health - Protecting Our Most Vulnerable Communities
This guest blog was written by Madeleine Taylor, Executive Director of the Memphis Branch of the NAACP. Just as we march to preserve our right to vote and to ensure that our children…
#Katrina10: Climate Change and a Renewed Call for Justice
This blog was written by Amelia Shenstone, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.
EPA's Huge Water Pollution Decision and Why They Need to Get it Right
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has an enormously impactful decision to make. By the end of September 2015, EPA is set to update its 30-year-old guidelines for how much pollution states can permit…
EPA Expands the Role of Renewable Energy in the Final Clean Power Plan
This guest post was written by Jeff Deyette, Assistant Director of Research and Analysis for Clean Energy with the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS). The original posting can be found here. On…
EPA’s Clean Power Plan: A Positive Step Towards Energy Equity
This blog was written by Amelia Shenstone, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.
Oh Say Can You See? Air Pollution and the Smoky Mountains
Back in 1990, average visibility in the Smoky Mountains was just 25 miles. Since then, reductions in air pollution have made it possible for visitors to see as far as 46 miles.…