
Tennesseans Voice Coal Ash Concerns Despite EPA Initial Oversight

With the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) initially appearing to have ignored TN in the siting of Coal Ash Public Hearings, the citizens of East Tennessee held their own public hearing to ensure…


Federal Agency Knocks PACE Off Course

Florida Clean Energy Needs Leadership The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA, the U.S. housing finance regulator) recently solidified its opposition to Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) financing. The lone renewable energy initiative that…


Another Oil Rig Explodes in the Gulf of Mexico

This blog was co-authored with Jennifer Rennicks While Gulf communities are busy picking up the pieces that remain of their coastal heritage and natural resources following the BP oil disaster, we learned…


Public must come first at Florida PSC

E. L. Jacobs, Jr. As a former chair of the Florida Public Service Commission, I am concerned that recent actions in Tallahassee to dismantle the PSC send the message that the views…


An oil spill but no energy bill: where do we go from here?

This blog was written by Jennifer Rennicks, former Senior Director of Policy & Communications at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Two new Tennessee programs set to help residents and businesses save energy and reduce costs

The State of Tennessee announced two separate energy efficiency programs this week: one to assist residents in the purchase of energy efficient heating and cooling equipment, and the other to provide low…


New Tax Credit for CHP in North Carolina

This post was authored by former SACE staffer, Glenn Mauney. On August 2nd, North Carolina Governor Beverly Perdue signed into law HB 1829, an expanded Combined Heat and Power (CHP) and renewable…


Chattanooga Paper Runs Op-Ed on New Proposed Ozone Standards

The following Opinion piece from SACE staff was published in the Chattanooga Times Free Press on Sunday August 22, 2010. (Note that links and images were not published in the original version).…


Time to crack down on toxic coal ash

SACE is closely following the issue of coal ash waste, and the proposed Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rule to finally regulate the toxic by-product of burning coal.  To highlight the importance of…


Dysfunctional politics continues to stall confirmation of TVA Board nominees

Nearly a year after President Obama nominated four people to fill vacant seats on TVA's Board of Directors, and 6 months after the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works unanimously approved…