
House cuts vital rural energy programs, their fate lies in the Senate

Contributors: Sam Gomberg, John Bonitz, Anne Blair Disappointing news came out of the House of Representatives’ Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee on Wednesday concerning energy programs for America's rural businesses and farms. The Rural…


With Clean Air and Justice for All

This Thursday, May 26th, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will hold a public hearing in Atlanta, Georgia to solicit comments on the proposed and long-awaited rule to set national standards for mercury…


Electric cars: coming soon(er) to a driveway near you?

This blog was written by Jennifer Rennicks, former Senior Director of Policy & Communications and Anne Gilliam Blair, former Director of Clean Fuels with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


May 19: Japan Nuclear Disaster Update

Nearly two and a half months after the earthquake and tsunami that rocked Japan, the ongoing nuclear disaster in that country is slowly disappearing from the media. Meanwhile, Tokyo Power and Electric…


Alarming Estimates of Forest Loss Linked to Bioenergy Projections

This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Billions in profits, billions in subsidies: Big Oil has their cake and eats it too

This blog was written by Jennifer Rennicks, former Senior Director of Policy & Communications at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


NC Offshore Wind Is No Flight of Fancy

"First in Flight." North Carolina will forever be branded by this motto because of that fortuitous flight in 1901 when the Wright Brothers made history and tamed the skies. The coastal winds that…


South Florida Says No to New Nukes, Yes to Solar!

On April 30, SACE joined Citizens Allied for Safe Energy, the Tropical Audubon Society, South Florida Clean Energy Coalition, Save it Now Glades!, Greenpeace, and others in south Florida for a clean energy rally in…


SACE 2010 Carbon Footprint Results

Southern Alliance for Clean Energy recently underwent a short stint of navel gazing by calculating its annual carbon footprint for the second time, and we took appropriate action to attain carbon neutral…


Urging Nuclear Accountability in Washington

Last month, I joined theAlliance for Nuclear Accountabilityin Washington, D.C. for their annual DC Days. I was one of nearly a hundred concerned citizens and activists from across the nation that converged in…