
Florida Making Waves with New Ocean Tech

Although marine hydrokinetic technology (or MKH) suffers from a long wonky name, but holds a lot of promise for delivering consistent renewable energy. Florida Atlantic University recently received a “finding of no…


The New Nuclear Craze

This op-ed by Mark Bittman, originally appeared here in the New York Times. There is a new discussion about nuclear energy, prompted by well-founded concerns about carbon emissions and fueled by a…


Ecotality Blinks Out, But EVs Still Growing

In recent news, electric vehicle charger developer and EV Project coordinator, Ecotality, announced that it is likely to file for bankruptcy. Ecotality has spearheaded some of the largest charging infrastructure installations in…


The Alabama I Used to Know: Is the Southeast Getting Climate- and Water-Smarter?

This blog by John Rogers, senior energy analyst for the Union of Concerned Scientists' Clean Energy program, originally appeared on The Equation on August 8, 2013. It is part of a series…


Ash Time Goes By, Part 2

This guest post is written by Michael Patoka of the Center for Progressive Reform, and was originally entitled "Ash Time Goes By: Administration Continues Foot-Dragging on Coal Ash Rule as Toxic Landfills…


Volunteers Flock to Water Mission International to Help Install 100kW Solar System

This post was originally written by George Greene III, Chief Executive Officer of Water Missions International, and posted in March 2013 on SolarWorld's blog here. Work has begun on one of the…


Wind Power: Made in America

This post was written by Kevin O'Rouke at the American Wind Energy Association and published on their blog, Into the Wind and published here with their permission. “Made in America” labels have long…


Ash Time Goes By, Part 1

This guest post is written by Michael Patoka of the Center for Progressive Reform, and was originally entitled "Ash Time Goes By: Administration Continues Foot-Dragging on Coal Ash Rule as Toxic Landfills…


How can the ocean help power your air conditioner?

The dog days of summer are here. As we crank up our air conditioners to beat the heat, utilities struggle to provide enough power to serve our communities. When electricity demand soars,…


Congress Moves Forward on Energy Efficiency

This post was originally written by Steven Nadel, Executive Director of ACEEE and posted on their blog here.  Congress is now on its summer recess, but just before leaving, the Senate made the Energy Savings…