
Big Coal Retirements Announced at TVA Board of Directors Meeting

At today's Board of Directors' meeting in Oxford, MS, TVA announced that it will be retiring 3,308 MWs of coal capacity from 3 plants.  SACE welcomes this announcement as it signals a…


Georgia Power Lights the Way with Discounted LEDs

Last month, Georgia Power began offering discounted LEDs (light emitting diodes) at Home Depot, while supplies last. The program is quite simple - all you have to do is stop by Home…


Southeastern States Headed Up, But Still Have Room to Grow with Energy Efficiency

Yesterday, the  American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy released its seventh annual State Energy Efficiency Scorecard. The annual report ranks states on their policy and program efforts, and provides recommendations for ways in…


What can nuclear power deliver? Not what Pandora's Promise claims...

This blog was written by Sara Barczak, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Alabama Wind Farm Foes Plagiarize Loser Lawsuit

Alabama is a hotbed for wind farm development. Pioneer Green Energy, a Texas-based company with decades of experience developing wind projects across the country, is proposing the Noccalula and Shinbone wind projects in…


Fowl Play: Wind Farms Unfairly Targeted by Fossil Fuel Industry

This blog entry was written by Allie Brown, former Clean Energy Advocacy Manager at SACE.


Continued Carbon Dioxide Emissions Savings at SACE!

I am proud to announce that SACE reduced our carbon dioxide emissions by another ten metric tons from 2011 to 2012! As in years past, after calculating our footprint, we purchased offsets…


Rhode Island Proves Providential for Offshore Wind Energy

Last week in Providence, Rhode Island, the American Wind Energy Association and the Offshore Wind Development Coalition hosted the annual Offshore WINDPOWER Expo. As I mentioned previously, this was my fifth offshore…


A Very Scary Coal Ash Story

Looking for a scary Halloween story? Well you’ve come to the right place for a tale that will chill your bones and leave you questioning all you once thought true. While your…


Protecting our kids: Asheville residents call for limits to carbon pollution

This blog was written by Jennifer Rennicks, former Senior Director of Policy & Communications at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.