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Southeast Film Tour Tells Offshore Driling Shore Stories
The following guest post is from SACE's partner group Working Films, a national nonprofit that uses documentary media to advance social justice and environmental sustainability. The post originally appeared on Working Films'…
2023's Record-Breaking Extreme Weather Makes Strong Power Plant Carbon Rules Even More Important
Climate change disproportionately impacts our most vulnerable communities. We need EPA to adopt the strongest possible limits on pollution from power plants in order to protect our region's health and environmental safety.
TVA decision to downsize Generation Partners defies logic
Imagine you were head of an agency charged with providing affordable energy, stewarding the environment and supporting economic development and technological innovation. Now imagine that the agency operated a program that fostered…
SACE asked to participate in National Climate Assessment
Each year, starting in 1989, an annual report titled, “Our Changing Planet” has been produced by the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) and submitted to Congress. The USGCRP also conducts the…
State Clean Energy Rankings: Southeast Lagging Behind
After investigating a range of factors in technology, policy, and capital, a new report on United States Clean Energy leadership evaluates and ranks each state for status and developments in clean technology…