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1251 Results for free-market-climate

Where Does the Florida PSC Stand on Expanding Rooftop Solar?

Where does the Florida Public Service Commission (PSC) stand on expanding the benefits of rooftop solar to more Floridians? The 5-member commission, appointed by Governor Scott, failed to approve a proposed solar…


TVA's Response to Congressional Oversight Inquiry is Inadequate and Misleading

TVA's response to the House Energy & Commerce Committee's oversight inquiry includes many outdated, misleading, and incomplete claims. We break down what is fact and what is fiction.


The Changing Solar Landscape in the Southeastern US

This is a guest post written by Dr. Elise B. Fox, Principal Engineer at Savannah River National Laboratory in Aiken, SC, and Fellow of the American Chemical Society.


Introducing SACE's "Solar in the Southeast" 2017 Annual Report (part 1 of 5)

This is the first in a five-part series about the “Solar in the Southeast” 2017 Annual Report. It should come as no surprise that some utilities in the southeast have more ambitious…


Engaging on Energy: Corporate Social Responsibility and the Demand for Renewable Energy

This blog was written by Katy Townsend, former Development Coordinator at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


North Carolina's EV Charging Infrastructure Ambitions Just Got a Boost

The North Carolina Utility Commission approved Duke Energy's electric vehicle Make Ready Credit Program that will put the responsibility of bringing electricity to EV charging stations on utilities and not EV charging…


Overcoming Barriers to Driving Electric

In our Electrify the South monthly newsletters (sign up here if you haven't already!) we often pose a survey question to learn more about the questions, thoughts or ideas our followers have…


Coal ash protesters arrested in Puerto Rico

This post is adapted from a November 23 press release from Ruth Santiago, Esq. and Yvette González Cuascut. 41 people were arrested on Thursday, November 24 and Puerto Ricans continued to march…


Question and Answer: An improved tool for watchdogging coal ash in the Southeast

This is a guest post originally reported on by Southeast Energy News. Click here to read the original article. For info about an upcoming webinar on, go here. Coal ash waste…