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496 Results for tennessee

Solar In Tennessee


Tennesseeans Prepare to Lock Arms as They're Locked Out from TVA's Board Meeting

Ahead of TVA's quarterly board meeting, without the ability to speak directly to TVA's board, ratepayers are gathering to demand and deliver over 4,000 public comments asking TVA not build new fossil…


Tennesseeans urge TDEC to deny TVA request that would allow more toxic pollution from the Kingston Fossil Plant

This blog post was written by Brady Watson, former Civic Engagement Coordinator for the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy. The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) held an informational meeting and…


Smith home featured in Tennessee solar home tour

This Saturday, the City of Knoxville will hold a Solar Tour and Fair in conjunction with the world's largest grassroots solar event, the American Solar Energy Society National Solar Tour. Beginning at…