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1252 Results for free-market-climate

Solar Cavalry Turns Out to Defend Net Metering

A strong show of support for rooftop solar in Florida helps maintain the state's net metering rule. The Florida Public Service Commission decided not to act to change the rule at its…


Where the Candidates Stand On Energy: Republican Nominee for US Senate in Georgia Kelly Loeffler

In this blog, we examine the policies and positions of Kelly Loeffler, incumbent and Republican candidate running for the open (Class III) U.S. Senate seat in Georgia. Also in this series we…


New Florida Power & Light EV Pilot Tariff Passed to Support DC Fast-Charging

The Florida Public Service Commission approved a Florida Power & Light proposal that intends to bolster private sector deployment of electric vehicle fast chargers.


SACE files response to TVA in FERC transmission access case

Back in January, four of TVA's local power company (LPC) customers filed a complaint at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) for the ability to pay TVA to use its transmission lines…


President Biden Boosts Offshore Wind

President Biden unveiled his plan to begin harnessing the power of offshore wind energy this week.


Florida Public Service Commission Approves State’s Largest Electric Transportation Program

In approving Duke Energy Florida’s rate settlement, the Florida Public Service Commission gives the green light to the largest electric transportation program in the state’s history. 


TVA releases final long-term resource plan, and we are underwhelmed

TVA fails to deliver on energy efficiency, renewable energy, and transparency in their final IRP. But most of all, it fails its customers.


NC Governor Leads With Executive Order for Offshore Wind Development

Offshore wind can play a critical role in our clean energy transformation. By issuing Executive Order 218, Governor Cooper committed to helping North Carolinians achieve major economic and environmental benefits from offshore…