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1252 Results for free-market-climate

City of Charleston Embraces Offshore Wind, Welcomes Opportunity

Last night, Charleston, South Carolina's City Council passed a resolution in support of wind energy as an economic driver for our region.  The resolution acknowledged that wind energy manufacturing currently employs nearly…


Rhode Island Proves Providential for Offshore Wind Energy

Last week in Providence, Rhode Island, the American Wind Energy Association and the Offshore Wind Development Coalition hosted the annual Offshore WINDPOWER Expo. As I mentioned previously, this was my fifth offshore…


Just Another Two Billion Dollars Between Friends

Under the leadership duo of Bill Sansom's tenure as the Tennessee Valley Authority's Board Chairman and Tom Kilgore's years as CEO, we have witnessed some of the largest financial mistakes ever made in the…


Why We Should Not Drill Offshore the South Atlantic

Today, April 20, marks the 3rd anniversary of the tragic Deepwater Horizon Gulf oil disaster.  In spite of how apparent it seemed three years ago that offshore drilling is a bad idea…


The Georgia Power Solar Play

SACE applauds Georgia Power Company (GPC) for developing new opportunities to support the state’s solar industry and for demonstrating cost competitiveness of solar technology in a part of the country that boasts…


Building Clean Energy Careers in Kentucky

Mountain Association for Community Economic Development (MACED) recently released a report, “Building Clean Energy Careers in Kentucky.” The report justifies the creation of clean energy policy in Kentucky for economic development. Kentucky…


Hypocrisy and Cronyism in the 'Sunshine' State

This guest post is written by Brian Holton Henderson, and was originally published on Huff Post Green on July 16, 2014. You can access the original post here. If the rhetoric is to…


Christmas Miracle: Congress Proposes Long-Term Support for Renewables

Over the past four years, congressional disfunction has been the rule, as opposed to the exception. But early Wednesday morning, congressional leaders proposed a sweeping bill that would not only provide essential…


It’s Electric! The Science of Cleaner Vehicles

This post - written by James Nolan, Associate Professor at Georgia Gwinnett College - originally appeared on the Union of Concerned Scientists' blog The Equation on June 17 and can be viewed…


Delivering low-cost renewable energy to the Southeast

This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.