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888 Results for southeast river runs

Putting the “modern” in Duke Energy’s modernization plan

This is a guest blog Joan Walker, MountainTrue Campaign Director/Interim Director of Southern Region.   On January 26, in Asheville, our communities will have their only chance to speak on Duke Energy’s…


What was Georgia Power doing at Plant Branch on New Year’s weekend?

This article is reposted by permission from Rural and Progressive. See the original here. The author, Katherine Helms Cummings, is an environmental and rural health advocate. Subsequent to our posting of this…


New Film Shows Coal's Threat to Water Supply

SACE has just released a new short film that shows how the Power4Georgians’ proposed coal-fired Plant Washington would use up to 16 million gallons of water daily, causing a significant threat to…


FERC: EPA Rules Will Not Disrupt US Electric Reliability

Congressional supporters of dirty coal are running out of options. The coal-power industry is under pressure to finally clean up its act and efforts to argue that coal power is clean are…


2011 Setting Records in all the Wrong Places

This blog was written by Jennifer Rennicks, former Senior Director of Policy & Communications at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.