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1252 Results for free-market-climate

The Sun is Shining a Little Brighter in South Carolina Thanks to Historic Solar Agreement

In less than a year, South Carolina has gone from being a state that was widely seen as resistant, if not downright hostile, to solar energy, to establishing itself as trailblazer in…


To Avoid Price Shocks, We Must Meet Energy Needs

This guest post, written by SACE consultant Susan Glickman, originally appeared in the Sunshine State News, 22-Aug-12. Read the post and view the comments here. The energy challenges of the 21st century demand…


Community Wind Could Show Power in Numbers

One of the hot topics at AWEA’s Windpower conference last week was community wind.  What makes a wind farm a “community wind” project, you ask?  Community wind projects are generally spearheaded by…


Will Hurricane Isaac Destroy Wind Turbines?

Here in the Southeast, hurricanes are no strangers to our coastlines. Just 20 years ago this year, Hurricane Andrew hit Florida with devastating force. Despite the risks posed by hurricanes, many people feel like…



State Energy Overview Georgia is blessed with the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains, the fertile soils of the southern piedmont and the rich diversity of the coastal plain. However, each of these regions…


Attacks on the EPA endanger public health and our economy

The basis for this post was an oped I authored, which ran today - Tuesday, February 15, 2011 - in the Tennessean.  The original is published here alongside US Rep. Marsha Blackburn's…


Tour with a Twist: What is Ripe to Retire in Georgia and Alabama?

This blog was written by Amelia Shenstone, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


As Oil Spills, Washington Chokes off Biodiesel Industry

As oil continues to gush into the Gulf of Mexico, Congress has yet to pass an important extension of the $1.00 per gallon biodiesel blenders tax credit.  2009 has been tough for…


SACE Testimony shows why Clean Power Plan means jobs for Tennessee

Earlier today, I testified before the Tennessee Legislature's Government Operations Joint Committee on the importance of the Clean Power Plan and its significance for Tennessee. As you can see by the line up,…


Promoting Offshore Wind at Earth Day Savannah

Earth Day Savannah took place on April 21 in Forsyth Park and provided excellent learning opportunities and fun for all ages. The event, which was sponsored by the City of Savannah Water…