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1252 Results for free-market-climate

New Deepwater Drilling Permit Provides Platform for Perpetuating Myths

On February 28th, the Obama Administration issued its first deepwater drilling permit since the Gulf of Mexico disaster in April of last year. Noble Energy Inc. has been granted permission to continue…


Successful Solar Weekend in Knoxville

  Knoxville's solar community shone even brighter than usual this past October 1st and 2nd when the city's annual Solar Tour took place throughout the greater Knoxville area. On Friday, October 1st,…


Verify or Be Scammed - A Clean Energy Reminder

Should you bring a lie detector to your home energy audit?  Well, no, but you should count on putting some research and initiative into the project.  Unfortunately, with more investments in energy…


Top 7 Reasons for Considering an Electric Vehicle Today

This post was written by Josh Goldman, policy analyst, Clean Vehicles, Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) and was originally published on the UCS' blog, The Equation, on April 2, 2014. SACE is partnering with…


Wind Farms Don't Affect Property Values

A new report released by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory finds that wind farms do not, in fact, affect the property values of nearby homes. This 2013 study builds upon similar research…


Smith Family solar home

I wanted to get a post up about my family's solar home. I started a much longer version, but have not had the time to finish, so here is the short version.…


What You Need To Know About Sea Level Rise in Florida

Sea level rise is a critical issue for Florida residents to pay attention to. The magnitude of its impacts on the state seem overwhelming if considered all at once, however, with a…


Daytona Speed Week Drives Toward 100% Renewable Energy

This blog was co-authored by SACE Florida Director Susan Glickman. Susan Glickman and I spent a day at Daytona International Speedway watching Leilani Munter race in the ARCA Racing Series. For those new…


Fossil Fuel Independence, Driving Electric in Tennessee

Want to buy an electric vehicle (EV) or host a charging station for EVs at your business in Tennessee? Now is your chance to be a part of history. As you may…


Northern Exposure - shining a light on Canadas dirty tar sands oil

There is little question that America remains addicted to oil just as we were five years ago when then President George W. Bush famously included that statement in his 2006 State of…