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888 Results for southeast river runs

Local utilities claim TVA retaliated for seeking transmission access

With less than a week before a decision at FERC is expected, sworn statements assert TVA retaliated against utility customers that are seeking the ability to pay TVA to use its transmission…


Customers Remain Without Options in TVA's Fence

Federal regulators missed an opportunity to poke holes in the TVA fence, leaving customers without options for lower cost, cleaner power.


Our climate is changing, small towns need help adapting

As floodwaters ravaged Middle Tennessee on a Saturday in August, people reached out to ask if my family and I were okay. We were. This was a familiar experience, right down to…


TVA Utility Customers Appeal FERC's Decision Preventing Access to TVA's Transmission

Two TVA local power companies have filed an appeal to the DC Circuit Court after a decision by federal regulators blocked their ability to fairly access TVA's transmission system.


Country Roads, Charge At Home

Rural communities are distinct from urban areas in many ways. To ensure that none are left behind as we electrify transportation, we must address their unique mobility needs.


Coal Ash Town Hall Underscores Need for More Public Oversight of TVA

Moving toxic coal ash from its current location in Memphis is a necessary first step to protecting our water supply, but it needs to be moved in the safest, least impactful way.


Plant Vogtle Expansion in the Spotlight: billion$ more at risk

Updated: Next hearing with PSC experts is Tuesday, Dec. 11. Can’t make it? Take action by submitting your concerns about Plant Vogtle’s bungled expansion to the Georgia PSC. On the heels of public…