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888 Results for southeast river runs

How does the wind energy Production Tax Credit benefit the Southeast?

Click here to contact your elected officials today to voice your support for wind energy. The Production Tax Credit (PTC) is a little-known federal incentive that can promote economic development from the private wind…


Coal Ash Gets Its Day In Court

As predicted in our last blog post on the Dan River coal ash disaster, the repercussions of this tragic event continue to make daily news. While environmental and community advocacy groups have…


Protecting Florida's Apalachicola River from Coal Ash Pollution

This post was authored by David Guest, Managing Attorney for the Florida office of Earthjustice, a public-interest law firm that represented SACE and our allies in this case. It was originally posted…


2015 Southeast Coal Roundup - Duke Energy

As we move into 2016, we continue our look back at where our Southeastern utilities are in their movement away from coal-fired power. This blog will focus on Duke Energy's coal-plant operations…


New Report Highlights Power Plant Stress on Freshwater Supplies in Southeast

A new report by the Energy and Water in a Warming World Initiative (EW3), “Freshwater Use by U.S. Power Plants: Electricity’s Thirst for a Precious Resource,” details how water use by power…


Southeast Coal Roundup - Duke and Other Southeast Utilities

Across our region, utilities are announcing idling or retirement of their older, uncontrolled coal units and embracing futures with less coal and more renewables in their long term generation planning.  First we…


Trump Can’t Stop This: Climate Action in the Southeast

This is a guest post co-written by Kevin Steinberger and Elisheva Mittelman with NRDC. It is the third blog in a series, highlighting the clean energy achievements and climate action continuing across the United States―despite the…


2023 Southeast EV Data: Sales Up, Billions Invested and Jobs

Year-end market data for the Southeast shows continued growth and national leadership in EV manufacturing investments and jobs. We also see growth in sales, charging station deployment, and public funding, despite our…


Year in Review: The Best Clean Energy Wins of 2018

As the year comes to a close, SACE reflects on the progress we've seen toward a clean energy future in the Southeast and beyond in 2018.


Why the Southeast needs to catch up on energy efficiency

This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.