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1584 Results for Testimony on the Proposed Clean Power Plan

Breaking Down Georgia Power's Coal Ash Closure Data

Georgia Power is planning to "close" pits containing billions of gallons of toxic coal ash and contaminated wastewater at 11 power plants. Despite promises in September 2015 to release a plan six…


Take a Video Tour of a Clean Energy Home

By taking gradual steps to integrate energy efficiency, solar and storage, charging for electric vehicles, and managing when energy is used, our homes can run on clean energy and be microcosms of…


Experts Rip Into Georgia Power's Proposed Fee Hike

Georgia Power's mandatory fee hike proposal was sloppily calculated and is outrageously overly inflated -- That's the unanimous conclusion of experts who tore into Georgia Power's proposed fee hike in testimony filed…


EPA’s Proposed Power Plant Carbon Pollution Limits Are Critical

The Environmental Protection Agency has proposed what could be the first-ever limits on carbon pollution from most power plants. The proposal would have vast benefits and should be strengthened and finalized soon.…


Georgia Cities Set Big Goals for Renewable Energy

Athens-Clarke County is one of eight local governments in Georgia planning a transition to 100% clean and renewable energy.


Clean Line: A TVA Failure of Clean Energy and Environmental Leadership

It has become increasingly clear that the Tennessee Valley Authority is taking a hostile position towards renewable energy. TVA's recent decision to ignore, or flat out reject, renewable energy from the Plains…


Duke’s Carbon Plan: Part 1 -- Too Risky, According to Experts

Advocates outline risks of North Carolina Utilities Commission approval of Duke’s rigid, outdated resource plan proposal.


Extra Extra! Clean Power Plan Finally Published!

Almost 2 and a half months after the Clean Power Plan was released, it has finally become the law of the land. Today, the Clean Power Plan was published in the Federal…


Cities, Counties and Major Tech Companies Join in Support for Clean Power Plan

Last week, more than 50 state and county governments, representing 28 states, along with global tech leaders like Apple, Google, Amazon and Microsoft, joined the list of groups filing briefs in support…


2015 Southeast Coal Roundup - Southern Company

As 2015 draws to a close, we wanted to update you on where our major Southeastern utilities are in terms of decreasing their reliance on dirty, coal-fired power. This blog series is…