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1252 Results for free-market-climate

Wind power pays $222 million a year to rural landowners

This is a guest post from the American Wind Energy Association. You can view the original post here. U.S. wind farms now pay $222 million dollars a year to farming families and other…


A Bright, Sunny Forecast for the Tennessee Valley

This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Solar for Low-income Communities and More! EPA's Clean Energy Incentive Program

UPDATE: Soon after this blog was published, EPA announced it was extending the public comment period deadline from Aug. 29 to Nov. 1, 2016, to afford more time for tribal consultations. This…


Not Fooling, New EV Pilot Approved in Florida

The Florida Public Service Commission approved an EV charging pilot program for Tampa Electric Company allowing the company to own and operate 200 new charging ports.


Poll: Majority of Tennessee Voters Support Solar and Oppose Fixed Charges On Bill or Restrictions to Customer Choice

This blog was written by Alissa Schafer, former Solar Policy & Communications Manager at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


North Carolina Moves to Electrify Trucks and Buses, Gaining Economic and Environmental Advantages

Governor Cooper's executive order accelerates the transition of medium and heavy-duty trucks and buses from dirty diesel to zero-tailpipe emissions.


Federal Electric Vehicle Ambitions Could Be a Boon for the Southeast

Achieving the Biden administration's aggressive electric vehicle goals could unlock additional investment and job growth to the auto manufacturing-rich Southeast.


Energy Storage: Charging Ahead in 2018

GTM Research and the Energy Storage Association recently released a new report on the energy storage market. Due to the rapidly declining price of energy storage (predominately batteries), the report states that nearly…


Talking EVs: 3 Hot Topics Right Now

SACE's Electric Transportation Director shares insights into timely electric vehicle (EV) topics on LinkedIn. Check out what's captured his attention recently and join the conversation.