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1252 Results for free-market-climate

Bills seek to promote solar freedom in SC Legislature

Several bills have been introduced in the South Carolina Legislature to promote solar freedom and reduce energy costs for consumers. These bills seek to help consumers, who are now burdened with having…


A new denier myth is born, this time for energy efficiency

This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Separating PACE's Fiction from the Facts on Solar Power

The Partnership for Affordable Clean Energy (PACE) is the public face of a complex network of firms employed by fossil fuel and monopoly utility interests. The organization recently disseminated talking points on solar power…


Electric Vehicles Are Driving Rates Down

This guest blog post from NRDC analyzes a recent study that demonstrated that electric vehicle customers are not being subsidized by other customers and, in fact, are putting downward pressure on rates.…


North Charleston Mayor Declares: "Support Solar" and Extend the Solar ITC

Mayor Keith Summey of North Charleston, South Carolina declared by proclamation that yesterday was "A Day To Support Solar" and called for Congress to extend the solar investment tax credit. The proclamation…


Cheers for Duke Energy and Progress Energy

This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


History in Florida: Ladies & Gentlemen Start Your Engines, The Solar Race Has Begun

This is a guest blog by Delany Reynolds student activist and founder of


Caviar anyone? New report highlights nuclear power subsidies

This blog was written by Sara Barczak, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Memphis Is Evaluating New Electricity Suppliers

Memphis’ municipal electric provider is evaluating proposals for new suppliers of power, which could be one of the most consequential clean energy developments in the Southeast this year.