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1584 Results for Testimony on the Proposed Clean Power Plan

Out With The Coal, In With The New

Recently in the Southeast we've had some exciting announcements about utility plans to begin retiring and repowering some of their oldest and dirtiest coal plants.  By our estimate, eleven retirements are in…


Energy-Water Collisions: Landmark Resolution from the Nation's Electricity Regulators

This is a guest post by John Rogers, senior energy analyst with the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) and co-manager of the Energy and Water in a Warming World Initiative (EW3) that…


America's Most Endangered River is in the Southeast - the ACF: a target for more power plants?

This blog was written by Sara Barczak, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, and Chris Williams of American Rivers.


Massive Wind Power Opportunities for Tennessee

This post is the second in a blog series discussing state-by-state highlights of wind energy throughout the South in the lead up to the WINDPOWER Expo in Orlando, FL, May 18 –…


Avangrid Renewables Wins North Carolina's First Offshore Wind Lease for $9 Million

This blog post was co-written by SACE Renewable Energy Manager Simon Mahan and Coastal Climate & Energy Manager Chris Carnevale. North Carolina’s first offshore wind lease sale was held today and Avangrid…


Google pressures largest US utility company to put renewable energy on the menu

This guest blog was authored by Gary Cook, senior policy analyst at Greenpeace, USA. Google's own blog can be found here. Thanks to some pressure from Google, the largest utility company in the…


Happy New Year!

This blog was written by Laura Humphrey, former Energy Policy Associate at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy. What are our motivations, year after year, to do what we do? The Southern…


The Sooner Wind Energy Comes to the Southeast

A company has proposed linking wind farms in Oklahoma to the Southeast via a high voltage superhighway for clean energy. Clean Line Energy (a Houston-based company) has been announcing contracts, partnerships and…


SACE wins EPA Clean Diesel Award

Today, SACE is pleased to announce our recent $5 million award from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for the creation of our new program "Clean Trucks Make Cents" (CTMC). The award,…


No Solution, Just More Pollution

This blog was written by Jennifer Rennicks, former Senior Director of Policy & Communications at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.