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1251 Results for free-market-climate

Climate lessons from South Florida in 2011

Earlier this month I had the opportunity to attend the Southeast Florida Regional Climate Leadership Summit, hosted by Monroe County—the county of the Florida Keys.  The highlight of the event was the…


Potential Energy Market in the Southeast? What We Know So Far About SEEM

A number of Southeast utilities have been meeting behind closed doors to discuss developing a "market" of sorts across the region. Here we break down what we know so far and what…


Will North Carolina Lead the Southeast in Transportation Electrification? (Part 1)

North Carolina has electric vehicle momentum. Governor Roy Cooper's Executive Order 80 committed N.C. to address climate change and transition to a clean energy economy. State agencies have written electric transportation plans.…


5 Things Obama Said About Climate Change Today That Could Impact the Southeast

This blog was co-authored by SACE Coastal Climate and Energy Coordinator, Chris Carnevale. "There’s no single step that can reverse the effects of climate change. But when it comes to the world…


Live from Copenhagen: So The Climate Talks Are Winding Down

So the Climate talks are winding down, leaders of National governments are leaving town, including President Obama, it's approaching midnight here in Copenhagen and I don’t believe we have a clear understanding…


A People's Movement Takes Widespread Action on Climate Around the Southeast and Nation Today

This post is part of the “Prelude to Paris” series highlighting updates and analysis on international climate negotiations in the lead up to the United Nations climate change conference – the 21st…


Six ways to help price signals deliver energy savings

This blog is one of a series of posts about how the "power of free markets" may be able to help solve climate change. You can view the rest of the posts here.…


Honey, I Shrunk the Renaissance: Nuclear Revival, Climate Change & Reality

The below article by Peter Bradford, a former member of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and former chair of the New York and Maine utility regulatory commissions, originally ran in on…


The Road to Copenhagen with Climate Week in the USA and Beyond

This blog was written by Jennifer Rennicks, former Senior Director of Policy & Communications at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


UNFCCC Doha Conference Sets Stage for 2015 Global Climate Deal

Click here to read SACE's blog on the 2011 UNFCCC Conference in Durban, South Africa. It's been 20 years since the United Nations member nations promised to create an international regime aimed…