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108 Results for Michael Patoka

Local utilities claim TVA retaliated for seeking transmission access

With less than a week before a decision at FERC is expected, sworn statements assert TVA retaliated against utility customers that are seeking the ability to pay TVA to use its transmission…


Looking ahead: What climate and energy actions might we see in 2021?

This blog was written by Jennifer Rennicks, former Senior Director of Policy & Communications at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Tracking Decarbonization in the Southeast: TVA's stalled decarbonization disadvantages the Tennessee Valley

SACE tracks carbon emissions and planned generation in its annual report entitled "Tracking Decarbonization in the Southeast" to answer the question of whether or not the power sector is decarbonizing at a…


Utility Shut-Offs, Summer Heat, and COVID-19: A Dangerous Trifecta in the Southeast

In the South, summer is synonymous with intense, sweltering heat. Now, in arguably the hottest part of the summer, and with no end in sight to the global health pandemic, low- and…

Knoxville: Mayoral Energy Forum The Square Room Learn More

Where the Candidates Stand On Energy: Nominees for Open US Senate Seat in Georgia

On November 3, 2020, more than 20 candidates ran in the open primary for Georgia's Class III U.S. Senate seat to fill the remaining two years of former Sen. Johnny Isakson's term.…


Electric Vehicles Will Kick Gas

As the world reels from the public health impacts of the pandemic and economic uncertainty looms large, stories about an impending electric vehicle market crash provide click-bait, little more. It is no…