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888 Results for southeast river runs

Last Chance! Trump Offshore Drilling Comment Period Ends Tomorrow

Tomorrow, Friday, March 9, marks the end of the comment period on President Trump's new "drill-everywhere" offshore drilling plan. If you haven't submitted your comments yet, visit the online comment portal here…




FPL’s Holiday Surprise: $810 Million Bill Increase for Families to Pay for Fossil Gas

On December 7, the PSC should reject FPL’s request to increase customers' bills an additional $810 million to recover costs for fossil gas price hikes to run its power plants, unless it…


Rising Up from the Bottom, TVA's $1.5 Billion Efficiency Announcement

TVA’s recent announcement that it will spend $1.5 Billion on energy efficiency and demand management over the next four years may be an important first step, marking a major transition for the…


What's Not So Peachy About Early Spring In A Warming World?

Probably like many of you, I have really enjoyed the nice weather this... winter?... spring?... this February and March nonetheless. Enjoyed it a lot. It's allowed me to spend time outdoors much…


Big Electric Vehicles are Coming Down the Road, Part 1

All signs point to a rapid increase in electric vans, trucks, and buses as public policies, market conditions, and consumer desire begin to align.


On Giving Tuesday: Think Globally, Act Regionally

The effects of the climate crisis are of global magnitude, and many of the worst impacts will be felt right here in the Southeast. By making a donation to the Southern Alliance…


TVA Board Appointments Present Opportunity for a Sustainable Energy Future

After several months of waiting, President Obama has nominated Neil McBride and Barbara Heskew, both Tennesseans, to fill two of the four vacant seats on the TVA Board of Directors.  They now…


Copenhagen Close-up: How Offshore Wind is Powering a Nation

This blogpost was co-authored by Rita Kilpatrick and Brandon Blevins Imagine a society that draws on the power of the wind to generate a significant portion of its electricity.  I’m seeing firsthand…


Stan Cross Joins SACE to Expand Electric Transportation Team

At the beginning of September, I joined SACE as our Electric Transportation Policy Director. Today, I’d like to share a bit of my personal journey to this position and why I’m excited…