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888 Results for southeast river runs

Utility Shut-Offs, Summer Heat, and COVID-19: A Dangerous Trifecta in the Southeast

In the South, summer is synonymous with intense, sweltering heat. Now, in arguably the hottest part of the summer, and with no end in sight to the global health pandemic, low- and…


SACE asked to participate in National Climate Assessment

Each year, starting in 1989, an annual report titled, “Our Changing Planet” has been produced by the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) and submitted to Congress. The USGCRP also conducts the…


TVA decision to downsize Generation Partners defies logic

Imagine you were head of an agency charged with providing affordable energy, stewarding the environment and supporting economic development and technological innovation. Now imagine that the agency operated a program that fostered…


Department of Energy Green Lights Wind Power Transmission Line

The Department of Energy has finalized its review of the Plains and Eastern Clean Line transmission project. The Plains and Eastern Clean Line project will connect substantial quantities of the highest-quality, low-cost…